Tuesday, 9 April 2013


Statement of Intent
Nowadays, with higher technology, designers have chance to design and make better objects. However, many people believes that societies has moved on but design has not; Critical Design is one of affordances for developing design for future needs. To this assignment, I will research on the basis of the Critical Design theme which is to design things make people think, provoke actions and debates. Hence that, I look at few factors that make contemporary design changed in regards of technological and economic frameworks.
I will argue that with higher technology, design is getting closer to create things beyond the yesterday’s imaginations, but through looking at nature, societies and even economy. Beginning with the book “Agroindustrial project analysis: critical design factors”, Austin shows the new analytical framework inside agroindustry captures the advances in the field and present a richer conceptual and technical approach. By changing in regard of new framework, design affects the consuming society, and also the economy. This is a good overview on critical design factors in order to analyze technology approach towards design.
I nominate Massive Change as my intersecting theme as I think design has influenced our perspective and life in order to make ways for newer technology approach. Hence that, it will offer not only newer technologies but also an alternative perspectives of our society, so that Critical Design will act as a more important role in developing design.

Austin, J. E. (1992). Agroindustrial project analysis critical design factors (2nd ed.). Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.
Massive Change Bruce Mau and the Institute without Boundaries. (2004). New York: Phaidon Press Limited.

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